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Originally conceived as a four channel video installation, ‘Anatomy of the Circle’ has also been edited to a single channel version. The animations show instances of the theoretical components of the idea of ‘roundness’ - dimensions one through four.

anatomy of the circle, 2002
3 channel video installation by Tim Coe and Tia Schmidt

The installation consists of 3 thematically ordered films shot during an artists’ symposium in Vierraden near the Polish border. By running the 3 films parallel, the documentary material is transformed into a picture and sound collage giving subjective impressions of
1) the artists’ work and programme of events in the disused tobacco warehouse and villa where traces can be seen of the various previous functions of the buildings,
2) the town of Vierraden, a former tobacco-growers’ village exemplifying the only partial success of the drive to rebuild the former GDR, and
3) the surrounding area characterised by its border situation, on the one side the national park, on the other Europe’s largest refinary.
The themes are distinct but inextricably linked: each reflects and influences to the others. As the films run in loops of different lengths, ever new combinations are created.

landmarks, 2001



As my twin sons were 3 weeks old, I was torn out of the cosy baby-bliss by the events of September 11th 2001. Through the near concurrence of these two life-changing events, they remain for me strongly associated. It seemed poignant then when, like all small children, they displayed a seemingly instinctive drive to destroy ostentatious constructions whether they be out of sand or building blocks or cards.
The purity and innocence of the two babies at work here stands in glaring contrast to the main players in 11.09.01 (on both sides). But can it be that there are some similarities in motivation, some similar level of world-view?

video samples:
>>> quicktime movie 1 min (large, 3.2 MB stream)
>>> quicktime movie 1 min (small, 1.1 MB stream)

twin towers, 2002

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